Cinco Public Radio No. 2
Tompkins HS Update
I am Rachel Childress and this is CPR.
Tompkins High School, Katy ISD’s newest high school, was struck by tragedy. In only its third week of existence, Tompkins was grounds of a shooting around 6 a.m. Friday morning, Sept. 13. A cafeteria staff worker, Valerie Robinson, was shot by her ex-husband in the back parking lot before school. After the attack, he fled, then barricaded himself in his home in Brookshire and later committed suicide. The event was investigated by Fort Bend County Sheriff officers, and Katy ISD started school on time after concluding there was no imminent danger to students. Superintendent Frailey, later released a statement on the Katy ISD website as well as a brief on the police report.

This curly haired lady is “Rae” Childress. Dropped in good ol’ Texas, this new Digital Media Editor will NEVER let go of her camera. To her all of...