The young-adult novel “This Dark Endeavor,” was distributed throughout the school on Wednesday, March 4. This is the 4th annual Read It Forward. Past Read It Forwards have included fiction novels such as “Hunger Games” and “Uglies.”
“This Dark Endeavor” follows the adventures in alchemy of a young Victor Frankenstein and his twin brother Konrad. When Konrad falls ill, Victor sets out for the Elixir of Life to cure him which spawns a tale of darkness, love and suspense.
Read It Forward is a program that includes scattering novels around the school that students can freely pick up and read. The goal is that students will pass on the book once they finish which will encourage more students to read more often in their free time. Once they pass it on, students can stop by the library for a prize.
The program will run from March to May. When it ends the author of the novel, Kenneth Oppel, will visit the school to meet with those who participated.
Click here for the book trailer!