Returning soldier surprises daughter
Pope and her father, holding flowers, embrace.
Sophomore Carolyn Pope was surprised Friday by the return of her father, Lt. Col. Joshua Pope, for a two week visit from the U.S. Air Force. The Pope family planned the surprise during Carolyn’s Floral Design class.
“She had no idea,” Floral Design teacher Amanda Kacal said. “Her dad walked in and everyone’s faces just dropped to the floor.”
Global Vine brought video cameras to capture the scene. Kacal told her students that they were simply there to interview her.
“I couldn’t tell any of my students,” Kacal said. “Obviously I couldn’t tell her.”

Samuel Teas, after being drenched in the tidal wave of junior year, and is just now crawling onto the beach that is senior year, is now Co-Editor-In-Chief...