Homemade Horoscopes


Constellation Constellations Universe Astrology Ceu

Nicole Campbell and Nicha Bruce

See previous article for more info about horoscopes and zodiacs…..https://crhscountyline.com/features/2020/09/23/homemade-horoscopes/ 

Aries- You need to take a deep breath. Things have a way working themselves out. Not everything is in your control, you’ve got to let things go. 

Taurus- Eat your sandwich crusts, step out of your comfort zone, and focus on yourself, don’t worry so much about others.  

Gemini- Have fun, be light, things will get better in your love life.  

Cancer- Avoid taking risks, reconnect with old friends, and practice proper communication. 

Leo- Success in academics is coming to you soon. Try some yoga and meditation. 

Virgo- Say yes to something. Let yourself dream, and expand your horizons. 

Libra- Take action, be bold. You have everything you need for it all to work.

Scorpio- Don’t hold on to unimportant things, they will only hold you down. 

Sagittarius-  Your quick wit and decision making skills will present you with great opportunities. Surround yourself with loved ones.

Capricorn- Focus on rebuilding the structures of your life.  Give priority to your well-being.

Aquarius- Don’t waste time comparing yourself to others. Your time is coming. Let yourself embrace your feelings. 

Pisces- Lots of growth and positivity is headed your way. Expect some surprising news soon.