Review: Fall Out Boy Releases Second Greatest Hits Album
Chicago Based Pop-Punk Band Showcases Exquisite Post-Hiatus Discography

Following their last studio album, “Mania”, Fall Out Boy continue to surprise listeners with new music as well as some older favorites.
December 2, 2019
Fall Out Boy has been the poster child for the pop punk scene ever since their emergence in 2001. Though there have been many other greats in the genre such as My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy could arguably be called the catalyst for these other commercial bands’ success. Producing a diverse group of seven studio albums since they formed, the band has had some staple songs that will forever resonate with the modern-day music lover. The majority of these classics can be found on their first greatest hits album, Believers Never Die, which includes the most notable tracks of their first four albums. However, 10 years later and with three more studio albums added to their ever-growing discography, Believers Never Die (Volume Two) has graced enthusiasts and new fans alike with all of the “popular” songs all in one place (plus a few new ones too.).
The new greatest hits album is organized chronologically. Songs from Save Rock and Roll, the favored 2013 album, are first up. Again, sticking to the order of the original tracklist of the album, “My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)” is the opener. The fast-paced, roaring flame of a song is perfect for opening, not only because it is arguably the most recognizable song on the album, but because it sets the tone for what’s to come. “The Phoenix” is right after. This song is bound to instill a spark of unsuppressable power into listeners. Despite Save Rock and Roll’s display of energy through its songs, there are more lighthearted songs to provide some balance. “Alone Together” is another post-hiatus classic, focusing on the topic of love. The last Save Rock and Roll song to be showcased is “Young Volcanoes”. From all of the songs chosen for this album, this is the one that took me by surprise. By no means is this song subpar, however the spot that it holds could have been used for songs like the title track, “Save Rock and Roll”, featuring the incredibly talented and influential Elton John, or even could have been utilized to show off more from another album.
The discography then transitions into their 2015 album, American Beauty/American Psycho. This album is packed with hits that blasted across radio stations at the time of its release. “Centuries”, the next song, is the most recognizable of the lot. This is another powerhouse of a song that features raging vocals from Patrick Stump. The next song, “Immortals”, was featured in the animated movie “Big Hero 6”. Personally, I feel as if this is the weakest song, not only off of Believers Never Die (Volume 2) but also off of American Beauty/American Psycho. “Uma Thurman” had its time in the spotlight, so much so that fans and casual listeners alike recognize the overplayed melody. However, it is for this reason that it holds a spot on this album. Comparatively, “Irresistible” is probably the strongest song off of these albums in terms of lyrics, vocals, and instrumentals. Every aspect of the band shines, and each member is able to show off their impeccable abilities.
Their most recently released studio album, Mania, only has two songs featured on the greatest hits album. However, it is understandable because Mania did not produce as many radio hits as the others. “Champion” is a wonderful track with many high points. The song is uplifting with a genuine meaning and catchy backing music. It can be heard blasting across various sports arenas and commercials for TV shows because of its motivational lyrics. “The Last of the Real Ones” represents Mania very well. The songwriting expertise of Fall Out Boy is exhibited through this song. Paired with beautiful, fast-paced piano from Patrick Stump, this song is able to showcase emotions of love and desire effortlessly.
The last three songs on Believers Never Die (Volume 2) shocked me when I first saw the tracklist. These songs, either completely new or not even labeled under Fall Out Boy, seem out of place next to all of their classic predecessors on the album. These songs are by no means bad, but the fact that the space that they take up could have been used for showcasing other studio albums is off putting. “I’ve Been Waiting” is the most upsetting of the three, meaning it should not be on the album. Originally labeled as a Lil Peep song, Fall Out Boy is only a feature on this track. That being said, I do not believe that it should hold a space on this album. “Dear Future Self (Hands Up)” and “Bob Dylan” are simply new songs from the band. They are both great songs standing alone, but should not be grouped with the others on this album. The album should have just ended after “Last of the Real Ones” or should have more songs, especially off of Mania or Save Rock and Roll.
Fall Out Boy has been my favorite band for around seven years. After seeing them eight times, obsessing over every song, every band member, and memorizing every lyric by heart, I am glad to be able to have the current most popular songs all in one place. Though the formatting of the studio albums is great and adds even more character to the album, the last three were a missed opportunity. Believers Never Die (Volume Two) does a great job of summing up post-hiatus Fall Out Boy and shows off all of their achievements to the highest degree.