How to Ace Your Online Classes
Seven Tips for a Virtual Schedule
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Due to the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus, KatyISD has announced that classes will be held online beginning on March 25 until at least April 13.
March 18, 2020
Due to the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus (you may have heard of it), KatyISD has announced that classes will be held online beginning on March 23 until at least April 13. That’s over three weeks of remote coursework! Personally, I’m a little skeptical. I’ve heard several horror stories of teachers hitting the mute button for an entire lesson, cats walking across a keyboard during an exam, and erratic WiFi signals wreaking havoc on GPAs.
And while we all love the idea of sitting on the couch in our pajamas and bingeing Disney+ on one tab while chaos unfolds somewhere in cyberspace, it’s best to be prepared for a whole new learning style. Online classes can be surprisingly difficult. Drawing on some of my own personal experience, some advice from more seasoned friends, and helpful internet tips, here are seven ways to be a productive couch potato and ace your online classes!
1. Follow a morning routine
Without the threat of being rushing and being tardy, it’s hard for your brain to carve a ‘school’ part out of your lazy weekday. Getting up and showering, getting dressed, and having breakfast at a consistent time can help you get into work mode faster.
2. Create an assigned work space
Preferably a quiet area away from your any distractions. Not your bed! Try and find a real table and chair for extra focus.
3. Test out software beforehand
While we’re all pretty familiar with Canvas by now (or at least we should be) video-chat platforms like Zoom may be new. After your teacher lets you know where and how classes will be held, take a minute and make sure everything is ready to go before the lesson begins.
4. Use a planner if you don’t already
Without a teacher or that big whiteboard message there to remind you, it’s easy for deadlines to pass you down. Try out a bullet journal or an online version, anything that works for you.
5. Mute your mic
Most video-chat programs will have a mic turned on by default. Go to audio settings to switch it off. Obviously, leave the mic on if you’re participating in a class discussion. But otherwise, trust me, your friends will appreciate not hearing you crunch those spicy Cheetos.
6. Take notes
Even if the lesson is recorded. Take them on a tab open next to the video, go crazy and take physical notes, anything to help you retain the information better.
7. Create two user accounts on your laptop
Have a personal account for all your Disney +, Netflix, and Youtube needs. Create a new, school-centered log in to keep you on task.