What Should I Exempt?

Celeste Hoover, Staff Writer

Well Cougars, it’s that time of year again. Those special two weeks where Cinco students see an equal number of Christmas trees and Final Exam reviews. Besides the occasional yawn, the one thing on everyone’s lips is “What classes should I exempt?”. We here at the County Line are here with the answer. Working 23/7 (somebody had to eat those candy canes) we’ve compiled the tables below for your exemption assistance. Enjoy!

Keep in mind, these tables are based on the policies of the majority of classes at Cinco. Be sure to double check with your teacher or your syllabus for your specific exam policy.


Most Pre-AP and Academic Classes

Exams worth 15%

*Average grade here means your current semester grade. Feel free to calculate it, or just ask your teacher.





Some AP Classes

Exams worth 25%, make sure to check with your teacher!

*Average grade here means your current semester grade. Feel free to calculate it, or just ask your teacher.





If all else fails or you just want to know more, you can click here for an online Final grade calculator. Remember all exemption cards are officially due this Friday to your grade level office!

So, to sum it all up, you got this! Study hard and stay focused, but be sure to take a break every once and awhile. From everyone on the County Line, happy holidays and good luck!