Katy ISD Releases Information about Sixth 6 Weeks Grading Period, Attendance, Final Exams

Katy ISD released news information on attendance, sixth 6 weeks, and finals today.

Yoonsoo (Seth) Choi, Staff Writer

Katy ISD released new information today morning about the final exams, sixth 6 weeks grading period and attendance. 

“As the District has moved from in-person instruction to online learning, a number of adjustments have been made to ensure students can continue to engage in and master content for readiness in the next grade level,” Katy ISD said. “Such adjustments are a part of the guidance that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) has provided to school districts. Katy ISD has amended practices regarding grading, progress reporting and attendance to align with the delivery of online learning during the District’s temporary closure.”

Final exams have been canceled for the spring semester(this does not apply to HCC Dual Credit and College Prep), and semester averages will be based on the average of a student’s fourth, fifth, and six weeks. This six weeks students will have major, minor, and other grades and have the opportunity to retest for major grades. The district will still be following the Board approved Instructional Calendar.

The final date of attendance for seniors is May 15, while all other students will finish their last day of schooling on May 21,” Katy ISD said.