Katy ISD Releases Fifth Six Weeks Grading Period Information

Katy ISD released news information on attendance, sixth 6 weeks, and finals today.

Yoonsoo (Seth) Choi, Staff Writer

Katy ISD announced today that the secondary fifth six weeks will end on Friday, April 3, 2020, and report cards will be available on the Home Access Center on Thursday, April 9, 2020. 

 “All students are eligible to make-up assignments they may have missed prior to spring break,” Katy ISD said in an announcement. 

Students will have to complete two graded assignments next week, one of which will be a major grade. 

“Students who are still in the process of reconnecting to online learning due to extenuating circumstances will receive incompletes and will be provided an opportunity to make up the assignments,” Katy ISD said. 

Students who don’t have a device and have not picked up a device should contact the technology department using the campus device check out form. The Parent and Student Technology Support Center can answer any questions. 

“Additional information regarding online assignments and grading for the sixth six weeks will be released Friday, April 3,” Katy ISD said. “Thank you for your continued patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.”