Katy ISD Releases Information for Online Instruction

Katy ISD released news information on attendance, sixth 6 weeks, and finals today.

Yoonsoo (Seth) Choi, Staff Writer

Katy ISD released information for week one of the online classes today, March 20.

During the time period for which we are not offering face to face instruction, Katy ISD will initiate an online learning platform beginning on Monday, March 23, 2020,” Katy ISD said in an email.  “The transition from face to face classes to an online platform will be available through Canvas.  The week one goal is for our teachers and students to reconnect and reengage with lessons and activities.”

The general recommendation for each course is 30 minutes every day, but students with advanced courses may have to spend additional time. 

“Classes in school already take 45 minutes, so I’m not sure how we can finish a class online in only 30 minutes,” sophomore Charles Chen said. 

English/Language Arts classes will use Pearson and HMH online textbooks, Sora, and Khan Academy. Math classes will use Imagine Math, Khan Academy, and the TI calculator app. Science classes will be using online textbooks, Discovery Education, and Gizmos. LOTE classes will use iCulture, online textbooks, and thisislanguage.com.

“I appreciate the teachers working with what they can and going through Canvas should be convenient enough for the students,” sophomore Dylan Materan said. “But the concept of an online class has a lot of room for error.”

Social Studies classes will be using McGraw Hill online textbook, Discovery Education, ABC-Clio, Maps 101, Britannica, Texas State Library website, Law-Related Education, iCivics, National Constitution Center, Pearson online textbooks for U.S. History, Khan Academy, and ushistory.org. Students with dyslexia will be able to use free audiobooks for assistance.

“They’re sufficient, but sufficient is not really enough,” Chen said. “I guess we’re ending the year with a whimper and not a bang.”