Senior Year Survival Guide: Rickelle Edition
metallic box with survival kit phrase stencil print on it side
November 30, 2021
Being in high school is stressful, when thinking about it in 4 year terms, college applications and responsibilities you have to overcome and work through. Senior Year in my opinion is one of the most stressful times in high school, being that you are avidly working on your resume for college, trying new things to up your college applications, solidifying friendship you want to keep when you go away to college and spending as much time with your family as possible before you really never see them again.
Senior year in high school is hard to adjust to, especially when you just went through a year where most people were at home most of the year because it was safer for their parents and/or surroundings to stay, instead of being involved at school for 8 hours a day. Staying at home the whole part of my junior year really put me back in my shell and I had to learn how to communicate differently than I was used to and get back out there in the world, instead of being in my own corner all the time by myself. What I did to help me “survive” my senior year so far is to try new clubs and branch out of my friend group and learn more about people I necessarily didn’t talk to before my senior year and opened myself up to new experiences and cultures I never put myself into or tried.
Going into senior year, most people expect an easy course load and minimal amounts of work which personally I did and still do believe depending on the classes you take and your available work ethic that week. I am a person that will have a great work ethic and get my work done right when I get home so I can relax but, sometimes I can be that person that just isn’t in the mood to do anything and procrastinate till the last minute and that’s just how senioritis happens.Don’t fall into that trap. Your grades can catch up to you very quickly and all of sudden you could be stuck with low grades. Just remember, colleges do see your midyear and final grades and it affects your acceptance and the amount of help you can receive.
To keep my spirits up about senior year ending soon and college starting I started going to our volleyball games and our Friday Night Light Football games and hanging out with my friends, doing crazy activities until the late night because Before you know it ,you won’t be decked out in Maroon and White at a football game on Friday night or be able to chant so loud for your team, you lose your voice. Take advantage of all the great events that your school has to offer: check out a new sport you’ve never watched, go to a theater show or participate in a school sanctioned activity and have fun while you can because before you even realize, you’re walking the graduation stage, getting your diploma and saying your final goodbyes before a new chapter of your life starts.