Logan Lucky, an engaging heist flick hindered by ending, lack of rewatchability
Channing Tatum (bottom left), star of the 2012 film “Magic Mike”, joins forces with Adam Driver (bottom right), of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” fame, as two brothers planning a grand heist during a NASCAR race.
August 27, 2017
Logan Lucky, released Aug. 18, 2017, is a return to filmmaking for director Steven Soderbergh (known for Ocean’s Eleven and Magic Mike) after a four year hiatus and follows brothers Clyde (Adam Driver) and Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) as they rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway during a NASCAR race.
Despite its flaws, Logan Lucky is a good time. The film delivers a simple, well-known premise and plays to the genre’s strengths. Any good heist film relies on its band of thieves, and Logan Lucky is no exception. Every major player in the movie gives a magnetic performance, with Daniel Craig’s bleached blonde explosives expert Joe Bang stealing the show, and the sharp script gives them plenty of material to work with. While the movie is not as dedicated to comedy as the marketing made it out to be, there are plenty of laughs throughout. Tatum and Driver bring humanity to their odd characters and keep the movie grounded despite the ridiculousness of their situation. Logan Lucky is fast paced with hardly a scene or line of dialogue seeming like filler.
While most of the movie feels like it has a purpose, the last act feels oddly out of place. New characters are introduced for only the last twenty minutes, there is an unnecessary twist and the resolution feels contrived. The movie goes down such a straight path for most of its runtime, and the sudden change is disorienting. Also, while the lead characters are well-written and well-acted, the audience does not have enough motivation to care about the heist’s success. You can sympathize with the two, but neither has enough in their backstories to justify why they would sink to robbery. This lack of motivation takes away from the movie’s rewatchability.
Logan Lucky fits the summer popcorn movie mold to a tee. Its script, characters and humor are enough to keep you thoroughly engaged for a few hours, but once the credits roll, there is no desire to watch it again.