Katy ISD Releases Updated Class of 2020 Schedules
Katy ISD released updated schedules for the class of 2020 Wednesday, in light of Governor Abbott’s recent order to keep all Texas schools closed for the remainder of the 2020 school year.
April 23, 2020
KatyISD released updated dates and schedules for the class of 2020 after Governor Greg Abbott ordered last week that all schools remain closed for the rest of the 2020 school year. The last day of school remains May 15 for seniors and May 21 for all other students.
Earlier proposed June graduation dates are now in effect, and a secondary set of dates in July has been created in case the June dates will also have to be rescheduled. Cinco seniors will graduate at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 20, and have 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 11, as a backup date. More information about picking up graduation accessories like caps and gowns, as well as retrieving personal items from the school, will be included in an email to the class of 2020 next Wednesday, April 29.
Earlier proposed dates for proms during June held at the Merrell Center remain in effect. Cinco’s prom will be Thursday, June 11. There will be no dance ticket fee for seniors and their guests.
Updated GPAs and class ranks will be released Monday, May 4, in preparation for graduation ceremonies. Student transcripts will be finalized on Thursday, June 11, with a final update GPA and class rank. Katy ISD is currently accepting transcript requests for all seniors. They are being printed and mailed every Tuesday through April.