District Cancels Band, Encore Spring Trip to San Antonio

The District canceled the band spring trip to San Antonio, March 20-22. Band directors and the booster club are working on obtaining a refund.
March 20, 2020
The district has canceled the band spring trip to San Antonio to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
“The San Antonio Spring Trip has to be canceled,” Band Director Ray Jones said in an email. “I hope everyone stays safe at home. The Band Boosters and I are working on obtaining refunds.”
The total cost for each student was $450. Band students were scheduled to depart tomorrow, March 2020, at 8:00 am and return on Sunday, March 22. Planned activities included a boat tour on the riverwalk, an evening at Tejas Rodeo, and a full day at Six Flags Fiesta Texas amusement park. The Tejas Rodeo, March 21st, has been canceled, and Six Flags Fiesta Texas has been closed until the end of March.
“I am upset because it’s my senior trip, and I was very excited to go around San Antonio with my senior friends because it is our last year altogether,” senior trumpet player Preston Huynh said. “I went my freshmen year to Disney and Universal, which was very fun.”
Last year, the band went to South Padre and next year, in 2021, the band will visit Disneyworld in Florida. In the meantime, the nonvarsity UIL band competition is scheduled for April 16 through 17 and the varsity competition is also scheduled on April 22 and 23.
“UIL performances will more than likely not change dates, so everyone needs to come back still knowing their music,” Jones said through Remind.