Free Verse
Cinco Literary Magazine accepts original work during KISD Closure

All magazine submissions should be sent to [email protected].
April 3, 2020
As the current school closure moves into it’s fourth week, many students find themselves restless without clubs, sports, or their after-school activities. But as the community fights to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, one extracurricular group carries on their activities from home, and wants to extend their opprotunity to all Cinco students.
“We began Free Verse earlier this year with Ms. Thompson,” Junior Editor Emily Nobles said. “But had no idea this huge interruption was going happen. Luckily, I think us editors are one of the few club leaders that can work from home!”
The Cinco Ranch Literary Magazine, Free Verse, has one goal. Create a space for the voices of Cinco students to be heard. Editors accept original work ranging from comic strips to poetry. All submissions will be published in the first edition of the Cinco Free Verse, available for purchase in December 2021.
“Having a literary magazine that is available to students, and written from the hand of students I feel is important because it feels personal,” Junior Editor Kate Sakar said. “It allows free-form writers, would-be authors, and those who write for fun to stretch and exercise their creative muscles which is an invaluable opportunity. Especially since they can get free critiquing on their works by those within the magazine!”
All magazine submissions should be sent to [email protected].
“Now we have all this extra time,” Nobles said. “But Netflix can only get us so far. It’d be awesome if students used the shut-down to create something that they’re proud of. ”